Coffee break with the CEO 13.4.2023

Live stream at 9.15-9.45

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You can find the technical instruction below.

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It’s time to sit down with our CEO Tommi Kajasoja, discuss about the current affairs and hear his answers to the questions we have on our minds.

Technical Instruction

  • The live stream works on the most common browsers. Update your browser if needed.
  • Try using another browser if the live stream is not working on your device
  • Make sure JavaScript is on
  • Using a wired connection is recommended. Try using different WiFi network or Mobile network if you have problems with watching the stream. You can also try turning off a VPN connection if it is on.
  • Problems with watching the live stream? Try this link >
  • Refresh the page if the live stream disconnects or you have some problems with watching it
  • If you are a big group watching the live stream, using external speakers is recommended

The live stream is produced by If the instruction above doesn’t help, please contact us by text message +358 50 471 5671 and tell us the name of the live stream.